Your article sucks.

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Thankfully just lost $5 BUSD.

They end up in a contract that has no liquidity and you can't swap them for anything, and if you try to swap them back to Binance Smart Chain you get an error.

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Don't follow this guide. It works, but then once you swapped any of these assets to AVAX, you'll find that there aren't any dexes available with pools consisting of either of these assets. Your money will get stuck and you'll have to send it back (and paying fees again). Please delete this post guys, it's pure bs and only costs money...

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Is there a faucet to get AVAX for gas for the swap?

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the problem i got here is that my BNB got stuck inside the Avalanche network and when i want to bridge it it says i have to pay fees with AVAX wish i don't have and now i feel like i lost all

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I have my AVAX stuck on the Binance Smart Chain. I don't know how to get it to the Avalanche network.

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Used this method-- now everything is stuck

-tried some of the techniques mentioned, to no avail

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In addition, there's no BNB on Pangolin

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I think there is a mistake. To bridge BNB from BSC to Avalanche, you connect anyswap to BSC MM, not Avalanche

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i received bnb on avax. but cant swap bnb on pangolinswap. what can i do? not showing bnb on pangolinswap.

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kindly send a DM to help resolve this issue bit.ly/Trustwalletassistteam

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got stucked with busd. Tx sucseed but i cant see my busd.e in my metamask? or am i doin smth wrong?

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"approve bnb" in pangolin, metamask has confirm button greyed out- costs .001282 avax to approve, prior to swap., so, no swap: stuck.

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use elk.finance instead my bnb got stuck confirming

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So I have to buy avax first for gas? I can’t avoid using a exchange?

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I've got the same problem. What can we do?

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